
Friday, July 3, 2015

Camping Family Vacation

We just got home from a 5 day family vacation, camping in one of our favorite state parks in the northwoods.  In many ways it was similar to a trip we took a few years ago, but a different park this time.

The kids spotted a wide variety of wildlife while we were there: bears (thankfully only at the bear sanctuary), porcupine, red fox, snapping turtle, deer mouse, and a big buck to name a few.

We made so many family memories: hikes, bike rides, going deep underground to visit a mine, seeing bears at a bear sanctuary, campfire stories, lazy mornings, spending time by the lake and so much more.

We are so lucky to have so many great places to visit not that far from home!

Blessed to spend time exploring God's creation and spending time together as a family of five.  Equally blessed to be back home on the Gravelly Road.

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