
Thursday, July 30, 2015

July Garden Update

growing garden in july

So we've cruised from the "just starting to grow" and fully of potential state of the garden straight to the growing jungle of weeds and vegetables.  Part of that is due to my lack of update for over a month.  It also helps that our garden has been growing like crazy!

We decided to try to group all our vine/large plants into two sections of the garden this year with our peas, tomatoes, peppers, and pole beans in the middle plus potatoes at the far end. Well the first vine section is growing so crazy there is barely any place to walk.  The squash is growing everywhere, the zucchini plants are huge and in among it all the cucumbers are thriving in the shade of the big zucchini and squash leaves.  Some sections still have more than plenty of weeds, but its nice when the plants you want to grow start to take over.  I tell the kids I'm going on a vegetable treasure hunt every time I go the garden, mostly because it is so hard to find some if it!

We've been eating lots of cucumbers, some peppers, snap peas and plenty of lettuce.  We also have a ton of zucchini (zucchini muffins, zucchini bread, grilled zucchini, baked zucchini chips, etc).  In fact our oldest decided one of the zucchini might just be the biggest ever and wants to enter it in the fair next week.  So we've let it grow longer than we normally do just to see how big it gets.  The boys have decided that zucchini carrying is a job that takes muscles so they always volunteer to carry it to the house for me.

The beans should be ready soon and hopefully all the tomatoes will begin to ripen.  We have several pumpkins, including the large one above and a bunch of small/med squash.  The potatoes didn't really do much, grew flowered and then were done, with only a few potatoes.  The carrots also didn't come up very well this year.  Thankfully it sounds like the neighbor has quite a few and offered to share.

Thankful to have a growing that garden that helps feed my family and kiddos that enjoy helping out here on the gravelly road.

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