
Monday, August 10, 2015

Fun at the Fair 2015

Its one of our signals that summer is nearing its end... we just enjoyed the our county fair this weekend.  Again this year, the everyone entered projects this year but a few less per person than previous years since there are 5 of us now.  We tried a few new categories that went well... the boys created vegetable animals/people and our little girl "dressed a potato" (like a baby).  Our kiddos enjoyed finding their projects in the open class crafts and garden buildings.  Our course coming home with lots of ribbons was fun too -- they played "fair" for several days after, passing ribbons out to their stuffed animals.

Of course the barns were a hit, plus we watched several groups doing cow sorting which the kids enjoyed.  Each also built a Home Depot project, filled out the animal survey to get a free ice cream, and rode the dragon "roller coaster".  One unexpected highlight this year though was the free climbing wall, yes free.  Each kiddo tried it twice.  (Dad did too). Younger brother made it all the way to the top each time to ring the buzzer.  He was so determined and so brave.

Another day of fun at the county fair, then back home to the gravelly road.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you told us about the fair a couple years ago. The girls did it again this year and had a great time and learned a lot! Looks like your kids had fun too! You'll have to do the DNR's I can climb class with us next year. Both girls tried it this year and loved it!
