
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Our Family Day Party (photo overload)

On Labor Day, we had a family celebration in our backyard to commemorate the completion of our family's adoption.  We invited our extended family and some close family friends -- all of whom had impacted and encouraged our family during our wait, the transition, and all the crazy wonderful changes we've walked.

About 45 people were here for the day (and a some even came a few days before) so it really felt like a party!  So many helped us put the day together and we were blessed with an absolutely beautiful weather that day, just so wonderful all around.

I didn't get a family pic taken but here's our three kiddos, enjoying their big day.  It was hard to get them to slow down enough to take a pic together!  Our sons' shirts say "I'm the MVP of Brothers" and our daughter's says "Sister of the Year".
siblings by adoption

When I asked them afterwards what they thought of the party one comment was "it was almost like a circus".  And it some ways it was!  We ate a yummy lunch outside in the backyard, on the patio and under tents.  
backyard party

Then the adults visited while the kids had FUN!  (Ok the adults had fun too).  There was of course the swingset, sandbox and playhouse, yard games but also a new trampoline.  And if that wasn't enough, Dad and Uncle built a zip line the day before which was a huge hit.  
backyard fun

There were ice cream cones for dessert plus cotton candy from Grandma.  Plus a tattoo table for the kids, just for fun (notice our kids in the first pic!).  Later in the party our kiddos convinced grandparents and aunt that they need a fun tattoo too.
backyard party

A day of wonderful memories here on the gravelly road!

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