
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Fall Colors and ATV fun

The weekend was much to short for all the fun we wanted to fit in, but we enjoyed a wonderful weekend up north with some friends... enjoying fall colors, riding the ATV trails and even stopping at a favorite state park on the way home.

Saturday morning we got on the ATV trails right away.  This was the first time we'd brought our younger two on a trail ride and thankfully were riding with friends who had an extra seat so we could all fit (we need a new plan for all 5 of us to go out next time!).  We stopped often for snacks and to enjoy the fall colors.  Of course we found plenty of mud as well, though not quite as much as last year's trip.

That evening we enjoyed a campfire and exploring around the cabin where we were staying.

Sunday we stopped at a favorite state park, a restaurant on Lake Superior and watched the big lift bridge as well.
It was a long drive home to our gravelly road but great to have a weekend away.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Favorite song

I've written about favorite songs in the past here, but with two more kids, when they all agree on a favorite, its a big deal.

Impossible by Building 429 is their current favorite.  Big brother decided it was "just so awesome" this summer and kept bringing it to his siblings' attention when it came on the radio.  Now whenever it comes on, radios get turned up and all three belt out the words.  In the car, upstairs, during rest time, at bedtime, it doesn't matter.  They can hear it start from almost anywhere in the house it seems and they come running, to sing and dance their hearts out.

The words fit us right now.  So I sing along too.
"You got a vision, you got a dream
But it feels a million miles away
You got your passion, you got to believe That this is why you were made"
"We can rise above the typical
And be anything but usual
We know, we know, we know
That there's no such thing as impossible
And nothing is unreachable
When we trust the God of miracles
We know, we know, we know
That there's no such thing as impossible."

Singing about all the Impossible that He has already done here on the gravelly road.

Monday, October 5, 2015

And then there were skates

A friend gave the kids skates/rollerblades, a two pairs have been here for a while but the third pair just was given to us a few weeks ago.  So a recent Saturday they wanted to try them.

We were not very adventurous -- the kids are too new at this.  We stayed on our little cement driveway along our gravelly road.

Of course, my parents knew about the skates and brought my ancient rollerblades from high school with them on a previous trip to our house (I'm sure they were glad to have them no longer taking up space at their house).  So I put my pair on too.  The fact that I could turn and not fall down was awe-inspiring to them.  Ha!

The boys decided making it across the driveway (as wide as our two-stall garage) was their goal.  Then they set up the cozy coup midway as a "rescue spot" to crawl to so they could get up when they fell (did I say they have a long ways to go?).

This girl tried so very hard but fell down so often, she would just sit and watch her brothers for a while before she tried again.

Since then they've tried them on a few more times and each time they are better -- its amazing how quickly kids pick things up.

Outdoor fun on a beautiful fall day on our gravelly road.