
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Favorite song

I've written about favorite songs in the past here, but with two more kids, when they all agree on a favorite, its a big deal.

Impossible by Building 429 is their current favorite.  Big brother decided it was "just so awesome" this summer and kept bringing it to his siblings' attention when it came on the radio.  Now whenever it comes on, radios get turned up and all three belt out the words.  In the car, upstairs, during rest time, at bedtime, it doesn't matter.  They can hear it start from almost anywhere in the house it seems and they come running, to sing and dance their hearts out.

The words fit us right now.  So I sing along too.
"You got a vision, you got a dream
But it feels a million miles away
You got your passion, you got to believe That this is why you were made"
"We can rise above the typical
And be anything but usual
We know, we know, we know
That there's no such thing as impossible
And nothing is unreachable
When we trust the God of miracles
We know, we know, we know
That there's no such thing as impossible."

Singing about all the Impossible that He has already done here on the gravelly road.

1 comment:

  1. Great song! Thanks for sharing! I've never even heard of this band before. (Yes, I live under a rock!)
