
Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Letter 2015

We struggle to put into words the immense blessing and changes of this last year.  As you likely know, we became a family of five last winter when two younger kiddos moved into our home and hearts.  The courts made them officially part our family in Sept. when their adoptions were finalized.  2015 was a year of transitions, changes, and challenges but also joy, hugs, and everyday miracles.  Here's a bit of a summary...

During the winter, besides our kiddos move-in and the big family transitions, the kids turned 6, 5 , and 4 with Lego Chima, Hulk and Dora cakes respectively.  Ike also wrestled in his first tournaments - he enjoyed wrestling but didn't want everyone to come watch him.  Learning what it meant to be a family of 5 and all the transitions was a big task, but God provided what we needed :)

During spring, we added a few more chickens to our flock, enjoyed a lot of time outside, and started our garden.  We also went to the zoo for the first time as a family of 5, something we did a number of times during the summer.  We also attempted our first (very rainy) camping trip and quickly realized we'd continue to enjoy our camping time together a bit more if we had more space :)

During summer, our family did a lot more camping in our new-to-us camper, including a week long camping trip up north.  The kids played tball, looked forward to summer reading and of course spent lots of time outside.  We also enjoyed a long weekend at a cabin with my parents, sister and her husband.  Plus both boys also learned to ride their bikes without training wheels!  The summer ended on a sad note though as we said good-bye to our family dog Ratchet.

Fall came with a big bang -- besides our kids starting first grade and preschool, we added the excitement of our adoption finalization and big family party.  With the start of a new school year, our weeks flew by quickly with routine.  We did fit in a few more camping trips and an atv trip up north (another first as a family of 5).  Of course there was also plenty of fun at Halloween and Thanksgiving.

As the snow has come, gone and now returned again, it is really beginning to feel like Christmas.  In a few short days, we'll gather with family and enjoy time together. As I close this post, I want to thank everyone for their prayers, encouragement and help this year -- we were blessed by so many as during our year of more hugs, tears, laughter, silly, new traditions and changes than we ever could have planned.

Blessings to you and your family from ours on the gravelly road.  

Merry Christmas and Happy 2016!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas! What a wonderful year you've had! I pray next year is just as wonderful for your family!
