
Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter Weekend (photo overload)

We had a busy yet wonderful Easter weekend.

First a visit to Grandma and Grandpa's on Friday since the kids were out of school - out to eat for lunch, fun afternoon of games, then each kid had a cooking project with Grandma to create an Easter Themed supper.

Saturday morning started with a hunt to find the kids' presents with clues through the house (and I guess it was more fun in costume).

Then we drove to a nearby resort to visit with husband's side of the family.  A big meal and lots of time with cousins.  There was also a game room at the resort that was lots of fun.

We drove home that evening to be able to spend Easter Sunday at home.

We took our traditional family Eater pics and then the kids had their egg hunt at home.

Then we were off to breakfast at church and Easter service.

We dyed eggs later that afternoon and didn't end up eating them until Monday.

A wonderful Easter weekend away and at home on our gravelly road.

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