
Friday, September 23, 2016

Five Minute Friday: Five

This week I'm again participating in Five Minute Fridays at Kate Motaung's blog, (after another long hiatus) encouraging bloggers to write on a prompt unedited for five minutes.  This week's prompt: FIVE


Five years ago this week was my last day at a job I enjoyed for more than seven years.  Final edits to documentation, cleaning out my desk and good-byes to coworkers.  Then my husband and I finished packing and made our way with the last load to our home on our gravelly road.

Five years ago next week I walked into a local church on a Tuesday to a room full of women I didn't know and began my journey with MOPS.  Prayed, learned and celebrated with ladies that have become friends I treasure, my community and a ministry where we serve together.

A bit more than Five years ago we began our adoption journey.  A journey God had planned though we had no idea of the path He had before us, of the waiting in front of us, and the tears, joy and blessing along the way.

And now there are Five.  Five plates at the table.  Five piles of laundry waiting to be put away. Five lives knit together in a way only God could have planned.  Our family of five here on the gravelly road.

Amazing how much meaning a single number can have in a single Five Minute Friday post!


A bit of other news, the FMF community has created a book of FMF posts from a whole host of contributors.  I'm honored that one of my posts was included in the book!  The book goes on sale next week and all profits go are divided equally between two ministries in South Africa: The Vine School in Cape Town, and The Ten Dollar Tribe.  Its exciting stuff and I can't wait for a copy to make to my hands on our gravelly road.

1 comment:

  1. Your post made me smile. I too have had change in my life that involved leaving and packing as you described. Thanks for sharing. Visiting as a fellow FMF writer.
