
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Christmas Program

Today was our church's children's Christmas program titled "Get Ready" perfect for a Sunday still early in advent.  There were plenty of songs, including some with the adult choir and others just one or two grades at a time.  Each grade also had a few memorized parts sharing the story of Christmas with the oldest grades narrating and acting out parts of the story.  It is always fun to watch after all the hard work the kids put in practicing and it all came together well.

Of course there were a few moments where there was some exuberant dancing or extra hand motions, plus a few bored moments thrown in amongst the sweet heartfelt singing.  Middle child was recruited to be an advent candle last minute (after this momma made sure he wasn't lighting or holding a real candle).  He proudly stood almost the entire service as the JOY candle -- it was hard for him but did it well.

I only took a handful of pics as I spent most of the time videoing their grades' songs etc.  It warms my heart to hear them sing out songs about getting ready for Jesus.

Of course I required a nice pic in front of the tree before we headed in to the fellowship area for cookies and cocoa, a much deserved treat.

Here are our well-dressed singers.

Just a slice of life on the gravelly road.

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