
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Playing with Macro

Last fall my hubby got me clip-on lenses for my iphone.  I'd used the wide lens a handful of times, but over the holidays they got packed in a bag and I didn't get them out again for a while.

Fast forward to last month, I finally joined instagram and started following a number of photographers.  I stumbled on a month long photography challenge (with a giveaway at the end) to post macro photos.  Since I don't have a macro lens for my "big girl" camera, I found my clip-on lenses back to use the macro for my phone.

I've been having a lot of fun.  Macro really makes you slow down, to see the small and beautiful, to pay attention to the intricate details and textures.

Here's some of my favorites from the first part of the month.

Noticing beauty here on our gravelly road.

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