
Friday, November 24, 2017

A Thankful November

We've had a busy November it seems and I have barely had a chance to blog.  And while I didn't post "Thankful Thursdays" this year, we still counted our thanks as a family.

As is our family tradition, all month we created a paper chain of what we were thankful for, watching it grow longer each day as we counted our blessings. 

This year the process reminded me of something I often overlook.  Well really my precious kiddos taught me something.  Previous years, I would set out the jar of paper slips at the supper table, encouraging us to linger at the table and record our thanks to be added to the chain. 

This year the jar didn't get put away when we cleared the table.  It lived on the table all month.  Doesn't sound like a big deal but this is what happened. 

I watched my kids pause, stop, and write out a thankful item all through out the day.  At breakfast, after school, during play time, before supper, during homework, etc.  One afternoon when a friend came over to play after school, I heard them explain what the jar of slips were for and the friend wrote a thankful slip too.  Their child-hearts lived out giving thanks continually, not out of obligation or tradition but out of a thankful heart.  And I followed their lead.

Giving thanks all throughout the day as we live life on the gravelly road.

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