
Saturday, June 2, 2018

Last day of school 2018

Summer break has officially begun!  Yesterday was the last day of school for our kids.  After all the countless field trips, outside science days, special events and end of year classroom fun (often each with a required thing to bring from home), we made it to the end.  I even got to be part of their last day, helping in the cafeteria as I normally do on Fridays and then volunteering in Peaches' classroom for the afternoon.

So as tradition dictates, here are their last day of school pics with their first day of school pics....

Ike finished a great year of third grade, working hard and having fun.  His enjoyed having so many good friends in his classroom, enjoyed his classroom teacher, and having a separate math class with a cool math teacher (who solved rubix cubes for them).  He is looking forward to more lego and Minecraft time.

Zman finished a stellar year of first grade this year.  He worked so hard, learned so much, and gained confidence.  He is excited for more playtime this summer, no homework or spelling tests (his least favorite parts of first grade) and giving gymnastics a try.

Peaches is all done with kindergarten and I can barely believe.  She thrived this year with a great teacher, so many new friends, and excitement about all things school.  She is excited about gymnastics this summer  and playing outside.

We are so thankful that they each had wonderful teachers who poured into them all year.  Each kid grew and learned and rose to new challenges.  We are so proud. I can barely believe we'll have a fourth grader, second grader and first grader in the fall. 

All three together ready for summer adventures on the gravelly road!

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