
Monday, October 8, 2018

Book Review: When Your Kid Is Hurting by Kevin Leman

Now that the kids are back into the school routine, I've been trying to get through a few new parenting books that I didn't have a chance to read this summer. Here's the first review, watch for a second one coming soon.

 When Your Kid Is Hurting: Helping Your Child Through the Tough DaysWhen Your Kid Is Hurting: Helping Your Child Through the Tough Days by Dr Kevin Leman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As much as we’d like it to be otherwise, our kids will walk through times of hurt and face hard things. Seeing your child hurting is difficult for any parent, whether its issues with friends, death of a loved one, or some other hard thing. So “When You Kid is Hurting” by Dr. Kevin Leman is a parenting book that will be an asset in your parenting library. This book is packed full wise parenting advice organized in a way that can make it a great reference for later. Dr. Kevin Leman gives great advice to parents to help keep the lines of communication open as kids grow, ways to improve the phrases you use when your kids are upset or facing a hard problem, how to support your kids when they are facing a big challenge and much more. The book covers issues that come at our kids from the world (like scary world events etc), hard things that become personal (friends, bullying, etc), facing big fears, handling grief and much more. He also helps parents to work at having a better understanding their child’s perspective and improving parenting habits and phrases. The book also includes a long Q&A section on specific issues that may come up in your child’s life. As our oldest gets closer to the beginning of middle school, I’ve been watching for more resources for the challenges that might be ahead. This book fits that need. I also appreciate that it addresses some specific hard things that kids face when adoption is part of their story. It’s a slow read but worth the investment.

View all my reviews

**I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own. **

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