
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tropical Getaway

Warm and Beautiful.  Quality time and rest.  A much needed vacation getaway for just the two of us.

Husband's work had a national conference and training in the Bahamas a last week.  He signed up and did all the planning to make the trip happen... budgeting, tickets, reservations, reminders to get my passport renewed.  I'm so glad he put it on our schedule and made it a priority.

It can be too easy to come up with excuses to not get away... too expensive, hard to coordinate care for the kids, too expensive, a lot of work to plan, too expensive, and so on.  

But for us, all the uninterrupted time together to  reconnect and rest is priceless.  Of course we could have saved a lot a money and just gone a few hours up north, but we sure did have fun with our adventure to Paradise Island.

We were so thankful my parents were able to stay with our kids and juggle school schedule, dance class, and a few days of fall break.  The kids had a great time with Grandpa and Grandma,  We returned to big hugs from our kids and SO MANY STORIES.

Treasuring our tropical getaway memories here at Life on the Gravelly Road.

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