
Friday, December 14, 2018

Christmas Letter 2018

Merry Christmas from our family to yours! 

Instead of a printed Christmas letter with the photo cards we sent out, we decided to summarize and reflect on 2018 here on our family blog.  It was a year of blessing, growth and changes through out the seasons.

During the winter at the beginning of 2018, we celebrated each of  kids in turn as they became nine, eight and seven years old with Harry Potter, Minions and Trolls parties respectively. The excitement of birthdays at this age is so much fun!  The boys continued to wrestle with several more tournaments over the winter and our daughter continued her weekly dance class.  The new year also brought us to the annual MN Weichert awards dinner where Jason celebrated his success as a realtor in 2017.

The start of spring was filled with tears as we said good-bye to Jason's grandma Evelyn right before celebrating Easter.  The spring was also included a big dance recital for our youngest, elementary track and field days for our boys, field trips, the end of a great school year and lots of time outside.

Our summer was filled with baseball games for our oldest, gymnastics for the other two, lots of camping, and participating in lots of parades with on the Weichert Realtors float (this mom prefers kids throwing candy to others instead of bringing it home).  Zman got to take a special vacation with Grandpa and Grandma with so many adventures, including horse riding and a rodeo.  At the same time, Ike went to Canada camping and fishing with Dad while Peaches and I had a girls week at home.  As a family we spent time up north camping at a favorite state park and then  at Camp House for family camp, an annual favorite. 

Then we ended the summer by road tripping to Colorado for my cousin's wedding seeing some great scenic points along the way.  It was an amazing and  full summer of family memories.

The fall brought us back to the school routine with a 1st grader, 2nd grader and 4th grader this year.  Weeks have flow by fast with the school schedule, apple picking, a special trip for Mom and Dad to the Bahamas, Halloween, and Thanksgiving (a poignant one as my parents are moving so it was the last holiday in the house I grew up in).  We just had a full weekend with a dance show and the first meet of the wrestling season (this year just Zman is wrestling) and look forward to the church Christmas program this weekend.

As the snow covers the ground and we decorate for Christmas, we turn our minds toward the reason for this special season as we treasure our memories from the year and wish you and your family the very best for 2019!

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