
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Book Review: Winning the Heart of Your Child by Mike Berry

Winning the Heart of Your Child: 9 Keys to Building a Positive Lifelong Relationship with Your KidsWinning the Heart of Your Child: 9 Keys to Building a Positive Lifelong Relationship with Your Kids by Mike Berry.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The book "Winning the Heart of Your Child" by Mike Berry is filled with experience-based knowledge and wise advice. It is a great new parenting resource applicable to all parents, filled with encouragement, hope and solid advice to be a positive parenting influence connecting to your child's heart, no matter how old your child is.

The author covers four basic parenting style traps that hurt a parents ability to influence their kids in a positive way (often winning the argument but not the heart). Then he covers 9 keys that aid in building a positive lifelong relationship with your kids, winning their heart. From loving boundaries, to consistency, to love no matter what, and keeping a long term perspective (raising future adults not kids), the book is full of positive advice not shame, meeting parents where they are with hope and help.

It  is no secret that I enjoy reading  parenting books.  I  believe parenting is the biggest hardest and best job we have and more tools in the toolbox is always helpful.  This book is a quick and interesting read that I enjoyed, providing actionable advice that can impact my parenting today for the better.

For more info on the book, visit

* I received a free copy of the book from the publisher as part of the launch team but my opinion and words are my own.

View all my reviews

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