
Monday, April 22, 2019

Happy Easter 2019 (photo overload)

Spring seemed so slow in coming this year, with an April snowstorm and two snow days recently, that the beauty of Easter was even more celebrated.  Time outside, time with family, so busy yet so beautiful.

Sooo many egg hunts  the last few days, including many practice hunts in the yard before Easter.

Of course dying eggs, which we were able to do on the patio in the sunshine.

A trip to Iowa to see family, good food, playtime with cousins and a big egg hunt. 

Easter baskets, egg hunt at home and Sunday morning church. 

Lunch with more family and another egg hunt (as well as a photo scavenger hunt).

A beautiful weekend celebrating of the hope we have this side of the empty tomb.

As is tradition, we also took our family Easter picture all dressed up and of course a few silly ones as well.

Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter.  He is Risen!!!

Loving traditions and slowing down to treasure the memories as we share our faith with our kiddos here on Life on the Gravelly Road.

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