
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Book Review: The Rose and the Thistle by Laura Frantz

It is a long time since I've posted in this space but with the chance to start writing book reviews again with Revell, I'm happy to dust off this writing spot.

The Rose and the Thistle by Laura Frantz is a historical Christian romance that released earlier this month. The book takes place in 1715 Scotland during the Jacobite uprising and tells the story of Lady Blythe Hedley who flees northern England for safety in southern Scotland at the home of her godfather during the political unrest and the dangerous situation caused by her father's Jacobite allegiances. At Wedderburn Castle, she finds shelter under the care of Everard Hume, the new Lord of Wedderburn, after the death of the godfather she had never met. 

Far from home in a strange area, full of worry, with danger on all sides, conflicts within the Hume family, Blythe faces challenges that push her outside of her comfort zone but with time she finds more than she ever expected. Everard, still grieving his father, new to the position of Lord and managing the family estate, and brothers adding challenges to his plate, is unsure of this new charge thrust upon him and the implications of his father's promise.

I enjoyed this book greatly, getting swept up in the storyline and at the same time also enjoying the historical details woven in by the author in a way that did not distracting from the story. I often find myself being cautious about historical fiction, especially Christian historical fiction, unless I know the author as often the plots become rather predictable, many still good for vacay reads but not a book to really dive into. Frantz has created characters with enough depth you will root for them, plot twists to keep you guessing, and faith elements woven in to encourage you. When the book ended, I was not ready yet to say goodbye to the characters nor the time period.

I received a copy of the book from the publisher in exchange for a review. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

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