
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Adoption Update - February 8th

The adoption agency let us know that our Formal Application has been approved!!  In the next few weeks, we will start working with our social worker on our home study.  And create our profile.  And, well I'm not sure yet what all else... that's the social worker's job.

On the subject of the profile -- if you happen to have any good candid shots of our family, please send them my way.  Almost all the pics I have of all three of us are posed (mostly using a camera timer).  Otherwise I tend to be behind the camera.

I'm in the process of creating a new "page" on the blog with a little more adoption-related detail.  I'll try to keep updating the page as we journey through this process (once I get it up...).  Keep an eye out for it -- it'll be up next to the "About" tab.

1 comment:

  1. Exciting that you get to move forward again! I wish I had some candid shots to send to you.
