
Friday, February 10, 2012

Some Days...

Some days, even though its hard, I stand back watch my son put on his socks by himself.  I quietly encourage him to try "one more time" even when the 4th attempt ends up with the heel of the sock on top and almost results in a meltdown.

Some days, even though I want to say "hurry up" (especially after the socks), I wait while he struggles to put his shoes on.  First the wrong foot, then the tongue gets stuck, oops forgot the velcro.  Repeat.

His proud face when he does it all by himself is worth it! 

But other days, I'm the mom who's son is wearing snow boots at the grocery store, with no socks.  That's ok too.  Let's not start on the inside-out shirt and backwards pants...

I'm so thankful God is always patient with me and His grace is available EVERY DAY.

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