
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Favorite Photos -- Q2 2012

Just for fun, I'm participating in Click. Pray. Love's "Quarterly Top 5 Photos".  I love the idea of intentionally going through your photos to find your favorites -- maybe even as a reminder to print a few to share with family.  Its not a contest, but there are some great prizes awarded randomly to participants.  Go check it out here or click the button at the bottom of the post.  I had a hard time finding just five to share, but I guess that's the point :)

I love this photo because it was unplanned.  They were outside playing when I looked out the kitchen window and saw them on the glider together.  I grabbed my camera (thankful it was close), and stepped out the back door just as he gave his favorite puppy a big snuggle.

This photo is from May.  I'd forgotten about it until I started looking for photos of Daddy and Son for Father's Day.  It wasn't my favorite for the year, but I love it because its just the type of dad my husband is.  He spotted the turtle crossing our backyard right after breakfast.  So out they went to the backyard to check it out (Dad with coffee still in hand).

I love taking pics with my little boy and his dump truck.  It continues to be one of his favorite toys and since we've had it since he was a newborn, its fun to collect pictures of him playing with it at lots of different ages.

My rough and tumble boy (and dog) playing in the backyard.  Its just who they are.

This picture makes me smile.  The sun was setting while we were moving rock in the grove, so the light was coming through the trees just right.  I took a few pictures.  But its not the lighting or his expression that makes me smile, its remembering that he happened to be wiping mud on the back of his neck when I snapped the picture.



  1. Oooh, a Twins fan! Me too. I love how these show the affection between boy and dog. Nothing like it!

  2. I think the dog picture is great! I love the expression on your little guy's face--you can tell he's having a blast.

  3. Great shots! I love that first one, it's perfect. What you remember about the last one makes me laugh. I have a little guy who is outside in the mud or grease or water...every time someone forgets to close the door.

  4. Your boy sure knows how to have fun - adorable set.

  5. I love the adventure called "BOYS." Thanks for sharing.
