
Monday, June 25, 2012

Ready for a new week

I'm looking forward to a new week and trying to get back to our "normal" summer routine.  Last week was exhausting, busy and a bit crazy.

Sunday night we had some serious storms in the area, including a tornado warning and a loss of power for about 2 hrs.  It meant we were in the basement until after 10pm, little boy needed to go to bed without his nightlight, and mom was up listening to the loud storm for hours after that.  There were big, loud thunderstorms Monday and Tuesday nights as well.  We were so blessed to be safe through it all, with only one big tree damaged in our main yard (a few more in the back grove).
Storm Cleanup on the Gravelly Road

Since its summer, we travelled with Dad for part of the week.  So little boy played at the hotel waterpark with cousins, slept at Grandma's for two nights, visited a butterfly house, and had lots of fun.  I helped my husband with a sales show and while I certainly felt appreciated for my help, I was again reminded I'm not a salesperson and spending the day on my feet talking to strangers all day is tiring!
Enjoying the butterfly house

We spent the weekend camping with several other families at a state park.  Besides a small amount of rain Saturday morning, weather was perfect.  The only damper on the fun was that the mosquitoes were out in full force.   It was so great to have several families of kids around to play together.  There were board games during the rain, a bike ride, time at the beach area, building a birdhouse event, games of hide-n-seek and tag, camp fires with lots of s'mores, and even some kickball.  Here's a few of my favorite pics from the weekend.
Beach time and a playground

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