
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day Prayer

Dear Lord,
Thank you again and again for allowing me to the mom of this precious boy.  He is growing up so fast, I can barely believe it! 
I ask that you watch over my son during his new preschool adventure.  Be there for him when I'm not.  Guide his words, actions and interactions as he starts to figure out how preschool works.  May it be a year of learning and growing for him.  Bless his teachers with patience, leadership and a faith that is seen by the students.  Bless the other students, may there be among them new friends, new challenges as they learn to get along, and fun memories.
Grow him into the boy (and young man) you created him to be for your purposes, and help me to be the parent I need to be for him for your glory. 

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