
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fun with the Letter "F"

We had fun with letter F all week last week!  It was nice to spread our activities out over an entire week instead of trying to fit in all in one day.  As you can see, our themes were firetrucks/firefighters and frogs.

Letter Practice
We did several fun things to practice what the letter F looks like: making the uppercase and lower case letter F out of play-doh, using the whiteboard and dry erase crayons using the "wet, dry, now you try" method (basically having my son "trace" the letters I wrote with a wet q-tip, a dry q-tip and then a dry erase crayon) and sidewalk chalk on the driveway.

F is for Firetrucks

My son is always excited about firefighters and firetrucks.  Last Halloween, he dressed as a firefighter (and at least weekly all fall).  We had fun with firetruck books, a firetruck snack, a firetruck craft, and we even got to visit a real firetruck at a community even this week!

There are so many choices for firetruck/firefighter books, but here's the ones we read:
Snack time!

Making a firetruck out of the top of an egg carton (found here):
It was a fun and easy craft.  He painted the lid red.  I helped him make the ladder out of a pipe cleaner and cut out the black wheels.  When I went to copy a picture of him for the driver, I realized his picture from Halloween in his firefighter costume was still on the fridge which was perfect!

F is for Frogs

Finding frogs and toads in the backyard seems to happen several times a week, so the activities below were extra fun.

Here's some of the frog books we read -

Snack time!

A Hungry Frog Craft
1) I cut a toilet paper roll in half and my son covered it with green construction paper.
2) We traced a drinking glass and then around the googly eyes to create the face piece.
3)  Attached the eyes, cut the "mouth" out (leaving pieces to tape inside of the paper roll) and attached the face to the already green toilet paper roll.
4)  Glued on the "tongue" (a cut rubber band) and the "fly" (pom pom).  I did use a hot glue gun for this step since I knew my son would be playing with this craft.  We also made feet for the frog (which are hard to see) as it seemed strange for the frog not to have any.

Playing with his new Hungry Frog


  1. This is so cool! You have lots of great ideas here, and it is good you spread it out through a whole week.

  2. Oh, what great ideas!! I love them! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
