
Monday, December 31, 2012

Catching Up and Farewell 2012

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind here.  Preparation for Christmas took an unexpected detour when I was in a car accident.  Thankfully I am doing fine, just sore, though my car is not.  Reminds me that stuff is just that, stuff.  So we tweaked some of our week before Christmas plans, simplified some to-do lists, fit in some visits to the chiro, and spent a lot of time leaving messages for insurance people. 

We spent a number of wonderful days with family over the holidays, with two trips out of town, multiple celebrations and a few other visits, consumed more food than I want to think about, and were blessed by wonderful memories and loving gifts.  There is nothing like Christmas with a child -- the pure anticipation and excitement, he was even excited about the socks in his stocking! 

My husband and I even managed to get a special night away to celebrate our 11th Anniversary to fit in (thanks to my parents for hosting a sleep-over for our little boy and my husband's parents for paying for the night at the resort -- both great presents in our book).

We are getting ready for New Years Eve celebration at home.  The movie is picked out, mint candy cane ice cream is in our ice cream maker, and most of the prep is done for our fondue supper tonight.  This year we are attempting to fondue with the kiddo in front of the tv.  Last year we waited until he went to bed to enjoy our fondue.  He's excited by the idea of eating in the living room since that otherwise doesn't happen. 

So Farewell 2012!  You have been a year of settling into our community and schedule, lots of learning, several great family trips, lots of outdoor fun, and so many wonderful memories watching our son learn and grow.  We took big steps to get our adoption home study complete and figuring out what being a waiting family means.  We are praying that 2013 will be a year of blessings, maybe even the blessing of a new baby, but we know with every blessing comes unique challenges and sometimes tough decisions.  While we don't know what the year ahead will bring, we are so thankful that the Lord will be there to walk the road with us.
20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Ephesians 3:20-21 NIV

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