
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Favorite Photos (Q4 2012 and looking back)

Click. Pray. Love. is hosting a top 12 photos of 2012 to mark the end of the year. 

I like thinking about the year one quarter at a time so first here's a quick look at my favorite pictures from the last 3 months of the year -- most are ones I've posted here before.

Playing in the leaves is always so fun, even if its hard to get a pic that turns out due to all the running and falling leaves :)

A big smile at Grandma's for Thanksgiving

Looking at the lit Christmas tree with his toy spiderman.  I read a few tutorials and to figure out how to adjust my point-and-shoot camera to get the shot.  Its hard to see but the ornament he's holding in this pic was made by my grandma for me in 1992 and the music box inside still works :)

Christmas morning -- pajamas, morning hair, rosy cheeks, and so full of excitement

This last one is not of my little guy but a self portrait.  I was having fun taking pics next to the Christmas tree at my in-laws while my little boy was creating a yarn spider web in their living room.  (Since its of me, I know it doesn't count but I really like it anyway)

In order to do a year in a review here are links to my previous favorites:
Quarter 3
Quarter 2

I didn't create a post for first quarter, but looked through them enough to find favorites.  Since deciding top 12 seemed hard, I just picked my favorite 3 from each quarter.  Sorry that I had to down grade the size of the photo files to get this post done quickly.  Most you can also look at at links or above :)

Quarter 1 Favorites
1)  This pic is from a beautiful January day before his third birthday.  The blue shirt, hat and eyes made this one an instant favorite, so much that I used it on his birthday invitations :)
2)  Kiddo and Dad going for a walk during a March wedding reception.  I so love seeing my guys all dressed up.
3)  I took this one standing on our island stools and he thought that was so very funny.  Love the his plain white shirt and the wood floor as a background.

Quarter 2 Favorites
1) I have this one as an 8x10 in my living room, its probably my second favorite of the year.  Ratchet is definitely his buddy
2) Helping Dad in the backyard, rubbing dirt on his neck (and eventually his jeans) while I tried to take his picture.
3) Its rare I catch a shot of them being sooo silly that's still in focus.  You can almost hear his laughter.

Quarter 3 Favorites
1) So glad we got this one of our family in our beautiful backyard!  I think its my favorite of the year.
2) He loves his super hero cape and his mud boots.  The joy on his face as he was "off to save the day" makes me smile.
3)  My little boy, water and goggles -- just can't go wrong.

Quarter 4 Favorites
(see comments above)

Comparing the first photo in the Q1 set and the last photo in this set you can see how much my little boy has grown up this year.  Thanks for letting me share!


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