
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Here We Go Again: More Paperwork

We were sent a notice the other day reminding us that our homestudy (and waiting) is nearing the one year mark.  Since a homestudy is only valid for a year, we need to start our homestudy renewal process.

I'm not exactly sure what I anticipated, but I was surprised by the amount of paperwork that needs to be redone.  As in 5-10 page forms that need to be filled out again -- with the exact same information -- in pdf forms that don't allow you to save the information for next time.  Granted its faster to type when the previous copy is sitting in front of you, but I'm not a fan of busy work.  Of course they need to run background checks again, physicians' updates, and "what's changed in the past year" type forms.

I'm also hoping to update our profile books.  We had some wonderful family pictures taken recently I want to add, some information I want to update, and of course add some newer pics of our four year old (he looks so much older than last spring -- how does that happen?).

At least since I'm stuck inside with the cold snowy weather, I might as well be getting this paperwork off our to-do list.

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