
Monday, March 18, 2013

Worship Moments on the Gravelly Road

I first heard the song "Christ is Risen (Come Awake)" by Matt Maher a year ago during Lent.  It moved me.  Then last Easter Sunday at the church I grew up in, I was pleasantly surprised that it was included as part of the service. 

Since it has been one of my favorites.  Even better, its become a favorite of my son's as well.  When we hear it on the radio, we stop what we're doing and turn it up.  He routinely requests it when we are listening to my ipod in the kitchen.

I tried to create a video of how much he loves this song... but every time I turn the camera on he either stops or gets over the top goofy (one such occasion he picked up a toy bead necklace and started galloping/dancing around swinging it like it like a lasso). 

Most of the time when he hears it, he runs to turn up the volume even more and dances around the kitchen with abandon.  He sings the words he knows on the top of his lungs.  My heart melts as he belts out what sounds like "Come All Weak, Come All Weak, God is Risen from the DEAD!!" (Yes he doesn't quite have the lyrics, but he's got the point).

Shouldn't we all be so excited about the Resurrection? 

The other day the song was playing in the kitchen and as it finished he declared, "this mean guy toy listened to the song".  "Oh?" I said.  His reply, "Yeah, and he learned about Jesus and decided to not be mean anymore."

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