
Friday, May 17, 2013

Five Minute Fridays: Song

Another week of participating in Five Minute Fridays hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker, encouraging bloggers to write on a prompt unedited for five minutes.  This weeks prompt is Song.


He loves to sing, just about any song, real or made up.  I love hearing his little boy voice belting out his favorites, with some interesting interpretations of the lyrics at times.  I also love how much he loves his favorite song.

It is not on the list of standard kids songs.  I heard it first last fall when a blue grass group led worship at church.  My son was at Grandma's and I knew it was a song he'd like (it was about animals - how can you go wrong?).  When he got home, I found it online. 

He loved it.  I mean really loved it.  Memorized it quickly and sang it all the time.  For a while it was what he wanted to pray at meals, sing to friends, and the most requested thing to do on my computer -- listen to his song.  He's tried to teach it to his friends.  He's even tried to teach it to the chickens.  Most of the time he sings it so fast that you can barely catch the words. But I know them.  I hear them. 

This song that is being written on my son's heart and mind celebrates God's creation.  It celebrates differences.  It reminds him that everyone has a song to sing, a way to praise, a unique way to join in God's choir.  Many times its something I need to be reminded of too.

So I sing along.
"All God's creatures got a place in the choir.
Some sing low and some sing higher. 
Some sing out loud on the telephone wire. 
Some just clap their hands or paws or anything they got, now."


Five Minute Friday


  1. Adorable! I love the song of a child! These are the moments we moms cherish! I loved the "teaching the chickens" part. So cute!
    Kelly (stopping by from FMF)

  2. Oh, I love that song!!!! Love love love it!!! So glad your son has found a song that he connects with and wants to share with the world. Blessings to you this Friday!!!

  3. Your blog is so inspiring, and this one just made my day. God bless!
