
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's Official: We're Still Waiting

About a year ago we shared that we were officially waiting --  we'd completed all our adoption paperwork, interviews, profile creating, etc and were officially listed as a waiting family with the adoption agency we're working with.

This morning I found out from our social worker that our homestudy renewal has been approved.  Basically it means everything is in order for us to continue to wait...

I've almost finished updating our online profile.  Hopefully it will be updated on the site later this week or early next.  I also need to update our website and our profile book, mostly just updating pictures.  If this rainy week continues, I should have plenty of time to get some of that done :)

Please feel free to share our profile or the fact that we are hoping to adopt.  You never know if a friend of a friend knows of someone wanting to make an adoption plan for their child.

Please also continue to keep our family in your prayers.  Waiting is hard.  So are the days when we know our profile is being shown.  So are the emails asking for decisions on if we want our profile shown in particular situations.  But mostly its just the not knowing, the need to keep moving forward when it feels like it would be easier to put everything on hold. 

I'm certain when the little one God's planned to bring to our family is placed in our arms, all the waiting will just melt away :)

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