
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Apples, Apples, Apples

We are nearing the end of apple time here.  We only have two trees right now with apples (two more that will hopefully have apples in a few years) but one produces quite a lot.  We've picked apples several different times but still quite a few to share with the deer.

picking apples

My new apples slicer/corer/peeler has been getting lots of use and my kiddo loves using it which an extra plus.  (Though I never know what costume will be required for the job). 

boy in costume using apples slicer

Prepping apples for the freezer, cooking with apples, dehydrating apples, eating apples, giving away apples... pretty soon I'll be dreaming of apples.    So many days the house smells so yummy with something made of apples.

For me apples define fall at our home on the gravelly road.

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