
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

Last week we carved a pumpkin at his preschool just like last year, though he didn't want his picture taken with the pumpkin... wouldn't let me even take one when we got home.  Silly kiddo.
carving pumpkins for halloween

Then he decided it didn't make sense to just pick one costume for Halloween.  So this year he was Batman and Mr. Incredible between a community party, his school party and trick-or-treating.  There was a third costume discussed as well, but he decided it required green pants which he didn't have.  Good thing we always have lots of costumes in the costume box!
incredible and batman costumes

We enjoyed trick-or-treating with some friends in their neighborhood and then they graciously invited the whole group over supper.  It was a wonderful evening.
fun halloween evening

Happy Halloween from our house on the gravelly road.

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