
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Another Letter to Baby

After the heartwarming response to my last letter to our future baby, I thought I'd share another one, this time from October.  I hope it shows my heart and some of our journey.  ~Krista

Dear Precious One -

Your big brother asked about you yesterday.  He wanted to know if someday the two of you could share a room and a bunk bed.  If so, he wants to have the top bunk :)

We talk about you a lot.  You're part of our everyday conversations, prayers, daydreams, and very important "what if" of our future plans.  Almost everyday, your big brother will ask me something that starts "Someday when I have a little brother or sister..."  We can't wait to meet you and for you to be a present part of our normal family days.  But I want you to know you are already part of our hearts.

Yesterday a mom making an adoption plan looked at our profile book, trying to find just the right family for her baby boy.  Its hard for me each time our book is shown, hoping this might be it, that you'll be joining our family soon.  I ache to hold you in my arms, kiss the top of your head, and count your fingers and toes. 

This time it wasn't us.  Not Yet.  But its always exciting whenever another waiting family gets to meet their newest family member, when a precious baby meets their forever family.  So Amazing.

Soon, precious one, soon.  In God's perfect timing,
Your praying and hopeful Mommy

Of course, feel free to continue to share our profile or website to help spread the word that we are hoping to adopt... you never know if a friend of a friend might be considering adoption. 

Blessings Friends!

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