
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Boy and a Costume Box

If you've been reading the blog for a while or follow me on Facebook, you know costumes are part of imaginary play at our house... a lot. 

For my son's third birthday, my parents gave him a container full of costumes (some store bought but most homemade), everything from knight to construction worker to boy scout to super hero to dragon.  We added a few crazy hats and other items we already had.  Since then the collection has continued to grow.

Between the arrival of cold weather and some new items from Halloween clearance (his new favs are a cowboy vest, light saber, spider man mask, and a new-to-him firefighter hat from Grandma), we've had lots of costumes out recently.  He was so excited about his full sheriff/cowboy getup that he wore it to the gym last Friday and rode the trike around the gym chasing bad guys.

Here's a just few favorite shots from the last week:
boy in cowboy costume

And while you don't need to have the costume to play make-believe, I love to see what he comes up with.  Knight, cowboy, pirate, and firefighter are regulars here but there's also some amazing super-hero type ensembles, soldier, royalty and bad guys as well.  Better yet though is to hear the imaginative play and stories he tells while in costume, complete with the voices and the drama. 

I think I need to start recording some of these silly sessions as I know they won't last forever.  I'm always thankful when I at least join in on the fun.

Just the other day, he was talking about his costumes and sharing them "someday when he's a big brother".  Then he paused.  "But Mom, what if a little sister comes to our family.  She might want to pretend to be a princess and I don't have any costume for that!" 

The box of costumes is definitely one the favorites at our home on the gravelly road.

1 comment:

  1. We love costumes, too! The best is when they combine costumes for new creations!
