
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Book Review: But the Greatest of These is Love by Debbie Barrow Michael

But the Greatest of These is Love by Debbie Barrow Michael
I had the honor to review But the Greatest of These Is Love by Debbie Barrow Michael in advance of its upcoming "free dates" in honor of National Adoption Month (see the details at the bottom).

On the surface this book appears as a memoir written by an adoptive mom about an international adoption journey to Russia, but it is so much more than that.  At its root is the story of a woman who follows God's leading one small step at a time (sometimes reluctantly) on a heart journey, rearranging her "just perfect" life to include a new job, volunteering, reaching out to others, and eventually international adoption.  It's about hearing God's small whisper, acknowledging it, and obeying (even when it seems it will turn life upside down).  The story is filled with love and heart, giving wonderful glimpses of God's love for us.

Because the book includes so much more than adoption, it can encourage those who are feeling God's nudge to step off in a new direction, reach out to a new ministry or do something outside of their comfort zone.  The story the author shares is a testament to the fact that God chooses to use ordinary people to do His work, calling them gently but persistently, and even when the command seems "crazy" He's ready to guide them each step of the way.

I found this book hard to put down.  Debbie's writing drew me in and welcomed me into her life, her heart, and her struggles with refreshing honesty.  As a waiting adoptive mom, I love to read adoption stories and I thoroughly enjoyed this one.   It warmed my heart to see how all the pieces of the story had been woven together to bring a special boy in Russia into the author's family.  Thanks Debbie for sharing your story with us!

** This book is also part of the list of free adoption books to celebrate National Adoption Month 2013.  This book will be free this weekend (22-24) so don't miss out!


  1. I agree! I LOVE Debbie's writing style - soft, tender, honest, and spiritual!

    1. Thanks Jody! Your description of my writing means a lot to me!

  2. Thank you so much Krista for this wonderful review. I am speechless. One "mistake" I see—You wrote that I was "sometimes" reluctant to obey God's voice. I would correct you and say I followed God kicking and screaming!
