
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thankful Thursday (11/14)

Its Thursday so I'm joining in again on Thankful Thursdays at Pretty & Mine.  I appreciate the reminder to slow down each week and ponder what I've been thankful for since the last post.  Plus since I know I'll be writing a post, I've been better at jotting down my gratitude in my journal during the week (isn't accountability a wonderful thing).

* Family time at home this weekend.  It so nice to sit and watch a movie together, play some games, and work on a project.  Its the simple time together I treasure.

* For my husband's job and his ability to do it well.  I sometimes can complain about his travel schedule and his time away from us, but its his job that allows me to stay home and let us move to the great community we live in now.  I appreciate the flexibility it gives him.  Plus this week we were blessed with an extra evening together (he was supposed to leave for a long week away on Sunday afternoon but he was able to stay home until Monday morning).

* For the local MOPS group.  The fellowship and community in our MOPS group was huge to me when we moved to our new community.  I treasure each meeting and I love being a small group leader to have little chances to bless and pray for these ladies who bless me.  So many of my friendships here started at MOPS.

* For evening playdates with a wonderful friend who invites us over for supper when my husband is away.  We make supper together, eat, listen to them play together, and have extra time to visit.  It blesses my week.

* Warmer weather after a frigid start to our week.  Being able to be outside in the sunshine yesterday was so wonderful.

* Having a chance to volunteer in my son's preschool class.  Its only half an hour or so... usually reading books or helping with a project, but I love seeing my son interact with his school friends and get to know them a little bit. 

Counting blessings, being thankful, is an intentional choice.  It helps me remember how much I've been given.  It makes my complaints or stresses seem smaller.  It helps keep my attitude positive. 

If I want to teach it to my son, I need to start with myself. 

Today I am grateful

What are you thankful for this week?

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post! Gotta love accountability! And you are so right, the best way for us to teach our littles about thankfulness is by example!
