
Monday, November 4, 2013

Book Review: The Eye of Adoption by Jody Cantrell Dyer

When author Jody Dyer contacted me through my blog and offered to send a free copy of her book "The Eye of Adoption: The True Story of My Turbulent Wait for a Baby" , I of course said yes.  The book is her memoir of her journey that led to becoming the mother of two precious boys, one by birth and one by adoption.  It covers topics from anticipating motherhood, struggles with infertility, a long domestic adoption journey, and navigating an open adoption.

The book is an engaging and heartfelt read, especially since I could find so much that resonated with me in her story.  No, our wait hasn't been nearly as long as theirs... but we are waiting to adopt domestically while raising our son and we happen to be using the same adoption agency.  One of my favorite parts is that throughout the book, she includes excerpts from her journal of letters to her future baby, sharing a window into her heart during her journey.  I appreciated the detail she shared of her emotions and struggles during the wait (I could so relate), how they navigated the unknowns and stresses at the hospital after their son was born, how they involved their older son in the adoption process (and when they chose not to share information with him right away) and the evolution of their open adoption relationships.

While every adoption story is unique, it was reassuring to see so many common threads, so many places where I could identify with her story, and daydream a little about the future of our story.

Thank you Jody for sharing your story with candor, humor, and inviting us into the "eye of the storm" of your journey.

** Because November is National Adoption Month, there are a number of books related to adoption that will be free this month (on specific days).  Jody's book is in the list and will be available for free downloads November 15-17.  Mark your calendar... even if you are not planning to adopt, chances are you know someone who has struggled with infertility, is hoping to adopt (like us) or already has adopted and books like Jody's can give you a glimpse into their journey. **


  1. Thanks Krista! I appreciate the beautifully written review! I hope your readers will download The Eye of Adoption November 15-17 or order the paperback on Amazon. Most of all, if they do read it, I hope they find a friend (me) on every page. May God bless you and your journey to a most certain destination: your child!

  2. I read this book too. Great read, entertaining, inspiring, and hopeful. Best wishes to you and your journey. God's timing!
