
Friday, January 10, 2014

Five Minute Fridays: See

Its been a while but I'm participating in Five Minute Fridays again this week hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker, encouraging bloggers to write on a prompt unedited for five minutes.  This weeks prompt is See


We drive home through blowing snow, hiding the road, the curves, the ice and even the painted lines.  The headlights shine but reflect off the snow instead of illuminating the path in front of us.  We slow down and then go slower still.  We know this road, but there is so much we can't see.

Sometimes that is how I feel about our adoption wait... like I'm trying to walk on a path with blowing, swirling snow preventing me from seeing the steps in front of me.  Any light I try to cast only reflects off the snow, not aiding in the journey.  The travel is slow.  Time moves slower still.  We haven't traveled this road before but we know its there.  We were directed to this path.

When I feel like there is no forward motion at all, when it seems like all has stopped, I need to remember.  Jesus is my light and even when I can't see the steps in front of me, He can.  He can see yesterday, today and tomorrow.  He sees me.  He sees through the storm in front of me.  He knows where this path leads. 

And as hard as it is to move forward when you can't see as far as you'd like, I'm learning to trust more than before.  One step at a time.  Trusting the One who sees.


Trusting the One who sees

Five Minute Friday


  1. Hi there, I'm your neighbor at FMF - Welcome back
    I know what it's like - to not see what is in front of you... this applies in so many areas of my life right now. And somehow we will be better from the waiting and not seeing...
    Take a deep breathe and wait on His promises...Really enjoyed your honesty in this
    Have a great Friday and don't be a stranger here at Lisa's... I LOVE doing these

    1. Thank you for kind words and encouragement. I really enjoy FMF's too :)

  2. This is a wonderful analogy! Being from AZ, I can't imagine anything more frightening than trying to make your way without being able to see the road. I'm so glad, in this life, we don't have to try to navigate the road ahead alone!

  3. I love this post about trusting God when we cannot see what's ahead of us. Powerful stuff here!
    Thanks for sharing at Essential Fridays.
    Mel from Essential Thing Devotions
