
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday

I looked back at last year's birthday post to remind myself of how much you have changed and how quickly time has passed...

Some highlights of your year as a 4 year old, as told by Mom include:
* Your creativity and imagination continue to amaze me.  Your stories during play, the costumes you put together, the questions you ask, and the way you ponder the books we read remind me both how much you are listening all the time as well as how much God has blessed you with an intensely creative mind. 

* You place a big importance on your time with friends, always talking about your buddies even when you haven't seen them in a while.  Preschool, MOPS, Sunday School, gym time, and playdates fill your weeks with lots of time to with your buddies that you look forward to.

* We have started reading chapter books together and you love them.  Because it is a passion of mine, I love seeing that passion in you too and pray it continues.  I can't resist when you ask for "just one more chapter".  I am always amazed how well you grasp parts that are complicated or long, remembering the story long after the book is finished.  James and the Giant Peach is a big favorite as well as Magic Treehouse books... but I've got some good ones on our list for this year ;)

* This summer was filled with many firsts for you: tball, swimming lessons, VBS, and taking care of our new chickens.  You took all the new challenges in stride and had loads of fun.  Of course there was also Summer Reading, playdates, trips to the lake, camping, fishing, time with family and even a big 80th birthday party for a special Great Grandpa.

* You thrived at preschool last spring and LOVED going back this fall.  Writing your full name, playing lots of pretend with your friends, counting to "big numbers", memorizing the Lord's Prayer, show-n-tell time are parts of preschool that you are proud of and like to talk about.  You feel pretty important to stay all day one of the days you attend, even if it does require you to have a rest time.

*  You are waiting for the day you'll become a big brother.  Waiting is hard when you're 4 just as it was when you were 3 (well its hard when you're over 30 too) but I love that you continue to ask about "when a baby comes to our family".  As we continue to read more books and discuss adoption, its clear that you are working hard to understand it, this important thing that will change our family.

Happy Birthday blessings!  Dad and I love you so much and pray your year as a 5 year old is full of new adventures, special memories together, lots of learning, and the experiences that will continue to mold you into the young man God intends for you to be someday.

super birthday boy

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