
Saturday, March 15, 2014

6 Pinterest Ideas You Can Find at our Home on the Gravelly Road

After initially resisting pinterest for the first year or so, I eventually caved.  It can be absolutely addicting, can lead to idea-collecting instead of just doing, and the temptation is always lurking to compare to others. But here are several ideas I originally found on pinterest that we've completed and enjoy.
pinterest pins completed

Ruler Height Chart (Similar to this pin)
This one was made by my extra handy husband.  I did help with the ruler markings and lettering.  We added our last name and date we were married.
wooden height ruler

Pallet Herb Garden (Similar to several of the many ideas in this pin)
Again made by my husband :) Forgive the lack of plants on the bottom.  Our chickens apparently like to eat thyme and cilantro.
Pallet Herb Garden

Re-growing and Freezing Green Onions -- Not really a project but something I learned from pinterest.  I didn't know you could save the bottoms of green onions and grow them again in a glass of water (totally makes sense just hadn't thought about it).  Also if I'm not going to be using all my green onions, I chop them and freeze.  After frozen, I store them in an old parmesan cheese contain in the freezer (like this).

Menu Board (similar to this pin)
This was great project planned by our MOPS group last year.  Basically a wooden board, decorated with scrapbook paper, mini clothes-pins and small boxes attached (jello boxes covered with paper). The two small boxes store slips of paper with menu options and then I rearrange them on the board as needed.   I have it hanging inside the cupboard door where my cookbooks are stored.  LOVE having someone else find all the necessary supplies and the idea!
menu board

Give Thanks Blocks
I used this pin which includes the printables for the letters on the blocks to make this cute fall decoration.
Give Thanks Decor

Basket of Birch Branches (like this pin)
I have to give full credit on this one to my sister.  She found the idea, asked my dad to save the birch branches when their birch tree was trimmed and then bought me the basket for my birthday!  All I had to do was kindly as my husband to cut the branches to length and arrange.  I ended up using the fake berry garland instead of greens and lights, because it was what I had.  It also meant I could use it all winter instead of seeming like Christmas decor.
decor with birch branches

Of course many ideas for Christmas presents last year and this year were also found on pinterest (including the ruler above).  I also use it routinely to find new recipes and kids activities. 

What is your favorite thing to find on pinterest?

Feel free to follow me on pinterest.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the pallet herb garden. I need to get started on mine for spring!
