
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Scattered Saturday Scribbles

I wanted to sit down to post an update but my mind is muddled so this post will be a bit random, but that's OK.  It's my blog!

Ash Wednesday
Wednesday we attended the Family Ash Wednesday service at church (kiddo and I).  It was the first time I'd taken him to an Ash Wednesday service.  I wrote the following in my journal:
Having him there [at the service] impacted me more than I anticipated.
Hearing the pastor say "ashes to ashes" while marking his forehead reminded me of his mortality, his inner-Adam, and the big job I have to help him better understand the work of salvation Christ did for him.
Looking down our row and seeing all those young faces with ash made my heart catch.
And then the pastor said something that made tears come to my eyes.  He reminded us that life is uncertain.  We have no guarantee that the those who attended service with us on this Ash Wednesday will still be around to attend next year.
My son may not have understood everything that was going on around him, but God had him there for a reason...

Posts and Remembering
It has been one year since we said good-bye to my grandpa.  I still can't read the post without tears.  He is missed.  Here's a second post inspired by the old barn on my grandparent's barn that I wrote.

The most popular post in the last month has been the one detailed our son's Lego Birthday Party from when he turned 4. Maybe that means I should finish the post I started about his Super Hero Party :)

The first letter I posted to our future child still remains my favorite adoption related post and continues to get quite a few hits a month which makes me smile.  I hope it shares our heart.

Home Improvement Here We Come...
We've been taking a few extra trips to home improvement stores, fireplace stores, and browsing pinterest for decorating ideas... why?  Because we have a home remodel project planned for this spring.  New siding, windows, and major changes to our family room (adding a wall, replacing the fireplace, new flooring, lighting, etc).  I think we have most of the big decisions made but there's still plenty to figure out.  Should be interesting!  Note to self: take BEFORE pictures

Adoption Update
This afternoon I've started working on our homestudy renewal paperwork while Dad and kiddo are at a birthday party... Besides the large pile of paperwork, there will also be a repeat of background checks, fingerprinting (hmm don't think they've changed in the last year), dr appts and a meeting with our social worker.  It will certainly keep us busy for the next month or so!  Another reminder though that we are nearing the 2 year mark of our wait.  I know with certainty that any child God adds to our family is worth the wait!

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