
Monday, June 30, 2014

Letter to our Future Child (June 2014)

I realize its been a while since I've posted a letter from my journal.  But after my first letter was shared on BraveLove's website, I decided it was about time to post another.  Here's one from my journal earlier this month.

Dear Precious Little One -

Its summer time and our days are filled with Big Brother's tball practice, fun at the park, playdates, swimming, ice cream, camping, and so much family fun.  Yet you are never far from our minds and always in our hearts.

Big Brother has been imagining all sorts of thing you might do in a future summer -- play catch, go down the slide backwards, catch frogs and find turtles, to name a few.  He will be a super big brother.

Though our adoption journey to you has been long (over 2 yrs now), we still trust that God will bring us to you.  And even if we don't meet you in your first months and you live the first part of your life in other families, maybe your birth family or foster families, know that we are praying for you ever day, before we even meet you.  We love you and we always will.

Praying for the day you join our family summer adventures,

family summer adventures hoping to adopt

Of course, feel free to continue to share our profile or website to help spread the word that we are hoping to adopt... you never know if a friend of a friend might be considering adoption.  

Blessings Friends!


  1. Hi There. I am also a adoptive mum in the waiting. Thanks for sharing. I love the letter to your new baby in waiting. I also do the same; journalling when I feel the need to my future child so one day I get to read it to him or her knowing that they were truly loved before I even met them. Look forward to reading more of your blogs.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment! Praying for you in your season of waiting too. Blessings!
