
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Book Review- Atlas Girl: Finding Home in the Last Place I Thought to Look by Emily Wierenga

I was given a free book in order to post a a fair review during release week for this book.  As always, opinions are my own.  

Atlas Girl: Finding Home in the Last Place I Thought to Look by Emily Wierenga

Over the last few years, I've discovered the beauty of a well written memoir and have written some reviews on this blog of some of my favorites.  There is something truly powerful about someone sharing the intimate details of their life journey, inner struggles and even their faith walk that inspires and challenges me.  I often set the book down at the end feeling like I've made a new friend.  Without a doubt this book falls into that category.

Emily weaves together her journey with raw honesty and storytelling skill to keep the reader connected to the story with each page turned.  The threads of her story build on so many different themes that readers from many walks of life can relate, from caring for an ailing/aging parent, falling in love, walking through seasons of loss, battling anorexia, worldwide travel and missions, to finding authentic faith.

This book is about being a daughter, a wife, a Christ-follower, a sister, a mother and a traveler.  Its about forgiveness, living in grace, and loving unconditionally. Its about seeing God's hand in the everyday moments, especially as she cares for her mother suffering from the effects of brain cancer.  And its about seeing God's extravagant love and hearing Him whisper "Watch me take care of you".

There were so many parts that I loved in this book.  I enjoyed how the author continues to make sense of her past, redeeming the hard places of her story and inviting God into them.  It can seem so much easier to attempt to just move on from the tough stuff, pretend it didn't happen, and try not to think about it again.  But it seems there is always something we can learn or someone we can reach out to because of our journey and our story.  God uses all the parts of our journey, especially the hardest parts.  This book reminds me to again look at my whole journey, not just the part I'm living now, but to remember how God has taken care of me in the past as a reminder that He will continue to do so.

From the book cover:
"Emily Wierenga left home at age eighteen with no intention of ever returning.

Broken down by organized religion, a childhood battle with anorexia, and her parents' rigidity, she set out to find God somewhere else--anywhere else. Her travels took her across three continents in buses, cars, and planes, across mountains and over deep blue seas.

What she hadn't realized was that her faith was waiting for her the whole time--in the place she least expected it.

Poignant and passionate, Atlas Girl is a deeply personal story of the yearning we all share to be truly known, entirely forgiven, and utterly loved."

* If you decide to purchase this book, know that all the proceeds from this book go towards funding The Lulu Tree, a ministry “dedicated to preventing tomorrow’s orphans by equipping today’s mothers”, in Uganda.  

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