
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Book Review & Giveaway: Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker

I'm excited to share about another great book with you, even more exciting is that I have a giveaway to share as well (read all the way to the bottom of the post for more details).

Last fall I had the privilege of hearing Jen Hatmaker speak at MomCon.  When I heard she'd updated and was re-releasing her book "Interrupted: When Jesus Wrecks Your Comfortable Christianity", I jumped at the chance to review and spread the word about her book.

This book tells of a compelling journey that God took a ministry family on (after interrupting life as they knew it), resulting in a new church plant, a new way to do ministry for them and many lives changed, including their own.  But the book is so, so much more than that.

I wanted to devour the book, to find out how the tension and questions being brought to the author's heart by God would be resolved.   Yet at the same time I knew I needed to go slowly to let the message soak into my heart to work through the lessons and challenges being brought to the surface.  It is a book I will likely read a second time.

Jen honestly walks readers through the tough and sometimes messy questions that God was placing on her heart during this journey, from who is the "least of these", what it means to serve others, and if it was possible in her life-long Christian faith walk and ministry that she might have been missing something so close to God's heart.  I also appreciated that her husband added his perspective to this journey and how God was working in both their lives uniquely to allow them to make this huge life change together.

This book was challenging, refreshing and yet accessible.  It is a great book for anyone who has grown up in the church, especially those who have wondered how to reach out to those outside the church walls or have ever felt a sense that there must be more.  It held so many great reminders about serving others as a way of life (living on mission), not something you "do" at a set time/schedule/trip and the importance to leave margins in your life to allow you to love others through serving.

If you haven't read anything by Jen Hatmaker, see her author profile below and check out her blog.  Her writing style in her book mirrors her blog, like she is telling you this story as a friend.  In fact after hearing her speak this fall, I can almost hear her voice in my head as I read her words.  She is honest, funny, writes from her whole heart and as she states "I over share and have no discernable filter".

God is moving today and through us He can do the "new" thing the world is waiting for.   Are you brave enough to let God interrupt comfortable to do something brave?

More About the Author

Jen Hatmaker is the author of 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess and A Modern Girl's Bible Study series. With a heart for her generation, she speaks at conferences around the country. Jen resides in Austin, Texas, with her husband, Brandon, and their five children. To learn more about Jen and follow her blog, go to

I was provided a copy of this book to read and review, in addition to a copy to giveaway.  My review and opinions are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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