
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Catching up on summer fun

I know it has been a bit quiet on the blog.  Its been partially an intentional break to better enjoy these last weeks of summer.  But also due to feeling like I didn't have much to say.  I'm hoping to get into a better habit of writing this fall when school starts (say it isn't next week).  But for now, here's a photo heavy post to catch up on what we've been up to.

The month started with kiddo and Daddy going on a road trip to Grandparent-land for a cousin's baptism and cousins' birthday party to see Dad's side of the family.  Then when the work week started for Dad, a several night sleep over at his grandparent's (my side) started for the kiddo.  The highlight of the trip was a trip to the zoo with Grandpa and Grandma.  I love that he's at the age where he absorbs so many facts -- he was talking about the zoo animals for days.

While they were gone, I enjoyed a VERY quiet house for a few days.  Most of the time was spent at a MOPS planning retreat for the fall, but plenty of time to scrapbook, watch a chic flick, and do some shopping.

When my guys got home, we quickly emptied suitcases and repacked as all of us were travelling with Dad for a few days.  It was a great way to fit in a bit more family time... of course the fact that Dad was staying at a hotel with a water park helped too.  So while Dad worked, we played.  So many trips of the flights of stairs to the tall water slides, over and over.  The hotel room even had a separate room with a bunk bed.
waterpark adventures

Then it was off to the county fair.  Our family entered items in open class again this year so it was fun to go check for ribbons.  Kiddo had the most ribbons, but Dad won a big award of merit ribbon on the wooden train he built.  Of course there were rides, animal barns, and the kids activity area to check out too.  A fun day!
county fair summer fun

We also managed to squeeze in a night at the local ballpark watching baseball that same weekend :)

A full week of VBS followed soon after.  Four full days of fun at church with music, crafts, snacks, meals, and afternoon adventures (including a long walk to the nursing home to sing and deliver gifts).  He had a blast.  I worked in the kitchen and enjoyed getting to know some gals from church I otherwise don't get a chance to visit with.  By the end of each day though we were both exhausted!
church vbs

Somewhere in there and since we've also fit in several playdates, including one with friends in the cities, a trip to the pool, going out for ice cream a few times, school shopping, plus a few fun grill outs with friends -- one with a bonfire and s'mores, the other ending with an evening boat ride.

Its been a whirl wind month for us on the gravelly road.  Now we are trying to enjoy every last bit of summer before our little boy starts kindergarten NEXT WEEK.  How can it be?

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