
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving 2014

Thanksgiving marked the last week of Thankful Thursdays on the blog for the month of November but since we were out of town enjoying the holiday with family, I decided to wait to post.

Counting blessings over the last week included: opportunity to attend adoption training class; kiddo's fun day with his aunt (which included the Lego store); seeing the kiddo sing with the kids choir in front of church; that the unexpected visit of a stomach bug was brief, spared my husband, and all were healthy in time to travel to Thanksgiving; another year of counting blessing by hanging thankful leaves on the Family Thanksgiving Tree; safe travels and a wonderful visit over the long holiday weekend.

celebrating together

Our family time during Thanksgiving went quickly... Thursday we enjoyed a big Thanksgiving dinner followed by lots of games -- Uno, Othello, Parcheesi, pool, and a very serious Monopoly game.  The next day was Christmas baking day with my mom and sister -- two kinds of cookies, dipped pretzels, oreo truffles, salted nut roll bars, and chex mix.  Saturday we traveled to see more family with another big meal and lots of great time for the cousins to play and snuggle our youngest nieces who change so quickly between visits.

And now as turn the calendar here on the Gravelly Road, we transition to Advent season and prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thankful Thursday (week 3)

Another Thankful Thursday here on the Gravelly Road...

* For a weekend at home together as a family.  With the holidays just around the corner, a weekend at home without a lot on our to-do list is something to appreciate!

* My husband's mechanic skills... even though that is no longer his career, he continues to bless our family with these talents.  Over the weekend he changed the oil in my car and discovered some service that needs to be done.  He saves us so much money by taking the time to do it himself.

* Being able to help out a friend who has done so much for me over the last few years.

* A fun after school trip to the library.  We don't get there as often as we did over the summer, but coming up with a stack of good books leads to an afternoon of snuggling on the couch reading -- perfect for the wintery weather.

* Serving together -- Kiddo and I attended a Food4Kidz event packing nutritionally complete food for children overseas to help in a small way to help hunger.  Events with this organization and others like are so well organized that its amazing how many meals in a short amount of time.

* For our extended family and that our son knows his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins well.  My husband and I are both blessed to still have our parents with us and 3 sets of grandparents (our son's great-grandparents).  As I wrote a sympathy card for a friend who lost her father so suddenly this week, I'm reminded what a big blessing this is.

Today I am Grateful

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Piano Costume

playing piano in a super cape

Sometimes you need to wear a super cape to play music.

I wish I'd had my big camera handy when this moment happened but glad I at least captured it with my phone.  Love his toes tucked underneath him.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thankful Thursday (week 2)

Another Thursday and so much to be thankful for.  Here's the highlights of my list for the week:

* A rare lunch date Friday and breakfast date Sunday with my husband - chances to reconnect after many weeks of heavy travel for him.

* The chance to play, be silly, and enjoy the snowy weather during two snow days this week.  Also that my husband was home during the snow storm to join in the fun (and to clear the driveway as that is one of my least favorite tasks).

* Coffee and conversation with with a dear friend after surviving two snow days :)

* Playing games in front of the fireplace

* Packing Operation Christmas Child boxes with our kiddo.  It was really important to him that each box was both  "lots of fun" and "fair".  He liked the idea of trying to pack them as full as possible.

* Declaring our left-over supper as a "restaurant night".  Kiddo took orders for us from the "menu" of left-overs and delivered them to Dad who heated it all up.  There was also place cards for our seats :)  Sometimes its just one silly idea that turns left-over night into a special memory...

So incredibly blessed but also so easy to take it all for granted unless I intentionally pause to thank the One is the source of blessing!

pausing to say thanks

Monday, November 10, 2014

And then there was snow...

Saturday we spent time outside, cleaning up the yard and getting things ready for winter.  Of course there was a little football, jumping in the leaves again, and even some late pumpkin carving (or attacking a pumpkin with a hammer and chisel just because).  Dad even got the Christmas lights up.

unique way to carve pumpkin

And then there was snow...

Today we've already gotten over 8 inches, plus its very windy.  School was cancelled so we've been enjoying our first snow day.  We've played in the snow, enjoyed hot chocolate, and played plenty of games.  While we were outside, kiddo decided he needed to rescue his pumpkin masterpiece from the snow and bring it to the chickens :)  Of course with all the blowing snow all of our pics have more squint than smile.

enjoying winter fun

I guess we're starting winter early this year on the gravelly road.  Or maybe this will all melt and we'll get to appreciate a few more weeks of fall.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thankful Thursday (week 1)

Again this year, I'm going to attempt to post each Thursday some of what I'm giving thanks for that week.  It helps me to stay accountable to slow down, to remember how blessed we are, and to give God the credit for all He is doing in my life on a day to day basis.

Like last year we've started up our Thanksgiving Paper Chain.  Its a nice way to keep us at the dinner table a few extra minutes together and talk about our day.  Our son is pretty excited to write his, generally more than one a day :)

So here we go...

* For the opportunity to be on the local MOPS leadership team.  The ladies in this group have blessed me more than they can know.  Such wonderful fellowship while we plan ways to bless the moms in our group.

* For the new small group ministry at our church.  I was able to be on the launch team so its been so great to see it in action.

* For deepening friendships here.  Coffee dates, suppers, small groups and even quick conversations at after school pick up.

* To see our son doing so well in kindergarten.  He enjoys  it, has fun with new friends, and is learning so much.

* Enjoying our new fireplace in the evening.

* Apples.  We are nearly through the boxes of apples we have.  Lots of work but such delicious results.

Are you doing something to slow down and count your blessings this month?  Does your family have any special Thanksgiving traditions?

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Letter to our Future Child (Oct 2014)

I realize its been a while since I've posted a letter from my journal.  Here's one from a few weeks ago.

Dear Little One,

The trees in our yard are turning all shades of yellows, reds and oranges and we are enjoying a beautiful and busy fall.  Big brother has started kindergarten now so mommy's days are so much quieter.  I look forward to the day you join our family and fill our house with even more noise.  Something tells me that Big Brother plus a younger sibling will be more than twice as noisy as now :)

As we jump in leaves, pick apples, get ready for Halloween and enjoy the beautiful fall weather, we think of you often and hope to meet you soon...

Each day is one day closer.

~Your praying and hopeful Mommy

hoping to adopt waiting adoptive family