
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Another garden season begins

Its June and garden season is in full swing here on the gravelly road... just haven't had much time to post about it.

The kids and I planted some seeds indoors back in April which did quite well in our big bay window. Cucumbers, 2 kinds of squash, zucchini, watermelon (none germinated), and cantaloupe. They were pretty excited when the seedlings started to appear.

cucumber seedling

When it warmed up outside, I noticed that I had some lettuce coming up in our un-tilled garden that must have gone to seed last year.  So the kids helped me dig it up and transplant it to a pot.  Then the boys dug in the garden for worms... because DIRT.

Near the end of May we tilled the garden, transplanted our seedlings from inside, and planted the rest of our seeds and plants we purchased.  We also planted a few herbs in my pallet herb garden on the patio.  The kids helped with most of the planting, not sure they will enjoy the weeding as much :)

family gardening

So in addition to our seedlings we planted: tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, pumpkin, potatoes, snap peas, beans, more lettuce, carrots and additional zucchini and squash.  A few seedlings we transplanted have died and so far our beans, carrots and lettuce are doing poorly -- only a few plants coming up.  The tiny pumpkin plants my husband bought are huge, zucchini and cucumbers look great and the first batch of snap peas have started climbing the fence. (We plant snap peas in two groups, two weeks apart so we can enjoy them longer). This is our first year trying potatoes so we'll see how it goes.

I'm hoping to post pictures and updates on our garden again this year as things grow, at the very least so I have a record to look back to next year.

So begins another season of gardening on our gravelly road.

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