
Monday, June 8, 2015

Weekend Away and Fun Milestones

We just returned from a long weekend away at a cabin with family, as we do most summers.  Besides our family of five, my parents, my sister and her husband were also there.  My grandparents even made the drive for a day to visit a bit.

The kids had a great time with so much to do - playgrounds, a zip line, playing in the sand, riding bikes and scooters, backyard baseball, the onsite waterpark, and even some special activities planned by Grandma.  The adults had fun too of course.  It was great to reconnect, spend time together, be outdoors, etc.  I also appreciated the fact that with extra adults around there were a few more hands to help throughout the day.  My husband and I even got to take a quick trip to the local winery, just the two of us, which is a big deal.

On Saturday, our oldest told Dad he was ready to try to learn to ride his bike without training wheels and off they went to practice (he specifically requested no audience until he was ready).  With just a little practice in the big parking lot, he had it mastered.  So proud.

What I didn't expect is that the next day, little brother asked for his training wheels off too.  And sure enough in not long at all he had his new two-wheel bike figured out.

So now we have two boys without training wheels, enjoying the fact that they can ride pretty much all over the gravel driveway and yard at our home on the gravelly road.

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