
Friday, February 3, 2017

Happy 7th Birthday!

Last night he gave me a super tight hug and whispered in my ear that I got to have his last hug as a six year old *melt*.

Today he is our excited and smiley 7 year old.  Seven is a big deal to him (and us) and he's been talking about today for quite a while.

His family birthday party is not for a week so no cake pictures yet but we are celebrating today and will gladly spread the celebration of this kid out a week :) Just today: present at breakfast, visitors (mom and sister) for lunch, a special after school snack and tonight supper of his choice.

There are many highlights, big changes and memories from this year of being six but here are a few:

* You finished preschool last spring with tons of confidence and started your kindergarten year so excited.  You enjoy school and work hard to do your best even when some parts of the day are hard.  You are excited to figure out reading and enjoy reading your take home practice books to your stuffed animals and the dog.  You've also become excited about writing stories which has been fun to watch.

* You are a great brother to your big brother and little sister.  Being in the middle is tough but you are doing it well.  Whether your are playing legos with big brother or store with little sister or something imaginary story with costumes, you enjoy being part of it all.

* You started wrestling this fall and you really enjoy it.  It has been fun to watch you on the mat.  Your determination and your willingness to keep trying are great skills.  You are learning good sportsmanship and other great things as well.

* Games are a something you are really starting to enjoy, which is great since big brother loves to play them too.  You boys often have a game of risk or trouble or something else going on the weekends and you look forward to when we can all play a game together.  Loosing a game isn't easy but you've been working hard at handling it with honor which makes us proud.

* You really enjoy music -- singing with the other kids from Sunday School in front of church and now during music class in kindergarten.  I love hearing you sing songs from school and church as you play.  Keep letting worship songs fill your heart and overflow out through your words buddy.

* You are a kid of action -- your play stories are often loud, expressive and full of sound effects and you love nothing more than to be outside exploring, running, riding bike or jumping on the trampoline.  Your enthusiasm is often contagious.  You loved camping and riding ATV this summer and fall.  Playing in the snow is so fun to you as well.  Plus you are working hard to save up money for a new bike.

* You have a big heart and you feel it all big.  Whether its joy or worry or love or frustration, its all big to you.  You are enthusiastic with your hugs (oh those run across the room preschool hugs) and crushed when something doesn't work out.  Use your big heart to share your joy and to be sensitive to those around you.  I'm honored that you share your heart with us. Keep letting us help with the tough stuff and we'll walk through it with you together.

Happy Birthday blessings to you!  Dad and I love you so much and pray your year as a 7 year old is full of special memories together, lots of learning, adventures and the experiences that will continue to mold you into the young man God intends for you to be someday.

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